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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Integrating Watson Assistant

I was an early examiner of Watson Assistant, you can even build a skill for Alexa with Watson Assistant!  Useful introduction:

Integrate Watson Assistant With Just About Anything  by Mitchell Mason in Medium

Additional credit to Laksh Krishnamurthy for his contributions to the content and diagram

Watson services on IBM Cloud are a set of REST APIs. This makes them quite simple to be used as a piece of a solution within an application. It also means they need to be integrated with various other parts of the solution to allow your users to interact with your instance of Watson. With the launch of Watson Assistant, integrating with other channels (Facebook, Slack, Intercom) has never been easier. 

Building a skill for Alexa is possible with Watson. While we have published a number of assets to assist in this effort, like the Watson SDKs, API reference, sample applications, and other users have contributed GitHub repos as well, many of our users still ask how to integrate with other channels or specific external systems. If you are not familiar with the Watson APIs, you can sign up for IBM Cloud here.

While it would be physically impossible for us to provide instructions on how to integrate with every single possible integration point on the planet, there is a general outline that nearly all integrations follow that I hope sets our developers up for success when they need to integrate with something new. .... "

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