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Saturday, November 04, 2017

Robots need to Dream?

Cognitive Architecture, allowing some reorganization for changing context?

When robots dream: AI systems may learn better and faster if they can ‘sleep’  By Gina Smith in Silicon Angle

As any science fiction fan knows, it’s always a bad sign when a robot has dreams or visions of its own. Think Isaac Asimov’s short story collection “Robot Dreams,” Alex Proyas’ 2006 dystopian whodunit “I, Robot” or Kike Maíllo’s 2011 thriller “Eva.“

But for artificial intelligence researchers, the whole notion is anything but a nightmare scenario. In fact, dreaming may be the key to creating AI systems, agents and robots that learn faster and more deeply — that is, more like humans do.

“What we’re trying to do is incorporate sleep and dreamlike processes into the cognitive architecture of machines,” says Natalia Díaz Rodríguez, a researcher for the Paris-based research initiative, Project DREAM, which stands for Deferred Restructuring of Experiences in Autonomous Machines. ... " 

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