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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Analytics as a Database Operation

An interesting example of how a mid market company can gather and integrate and leverage data.    here transforming the way that it does business.  It seems like an additional way to then link in business analytics to better understand and then drive your business.   I like to see examples of the use of analytics by midsize companies.  It is not always the big company who can benefit by these methods.

" ... Adrianna Papell,a NY based dress manufacturer was unable to capture, in a single repository, the sales performance of its products from its retail customers. The Company's executives needed a tool to link sales data across all the company's retail customers to its internal systems to quickly and accurately measure sell-through performance, trends and profitability.

Working with IBM Business Partner Sky IT Group.  Adrianna Papell implemented SkyPad, SaaS Cloud Analytics Solutions, allowing the customer to gain insight into its product sales performance across all its retail customers, sorted by product attributes, time  dimensions and geographic locations. As a result, sales increased by 15% .... "      See their Facebook Page.

Often smaller companies think about business analytics being beyond their abilities.  One way to get around this is to think of analytics as a transformational process, just like a database operation.  How can you combine elements of your data to produce profit, or reduce cost, or increase quality?  There are usually lots of opportunity for every enterprise.  Consider integrating analytics as the final step of every database process.

This post was written as part of the IBM for Midsize Business program, which provides midsize businesses with the tools, expertise and solutions they need to become engines  of a smarter planet. More on that here: http://goo.gl/S6P7m 

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